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  I was startled awake when the truck came to an abrupt halt. Apparently I’d fallen asleep again. Extreme stress tended to wear me out like that. I immediately kicked myself for allowing that to happen. I was trying so hard to pay attention to where we were going, pick up little clues, and listen to what the guys were saying to each other.

  “Wake up, princess,” Rip sneered. “We’re home. At least, this is going to be home for you for a little bit.”

  We must have been back at the motel that Shark reserved earlier, which was good to know. I must not have been asleep for that long, and we must not have left town. A wave of relief shot over me as I began to sit up. Pain shot down my back as I had been on my side for hours. My leg was almost numb and my hands were imprinted with the pattern from the upholstery.

  I smacked my mouth a little, which was parched, and dreamed about how amazing it would feel to have a toothbrush in that moment. Given the circumstances, I had no idea why I was thinking about something as trivial as brushing my teeth and not thinking about how to get the hell out of there.

  Shark hopped out of the truck, but not before turning back to me and waving his finger in my face.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, ya hear?” he said. There was a command in his voice that shook me to my very core. Shark was pure evil, and I knew not to try anything.

  He came back a few minutes later, climbed in, and pointed to a more secluded area of the parking lot surrounded by trees and away from the street. Rip pulled up, shoved the truck in park, and climbed out to stretch. Shark hopped out, flipped the seat up, and grabbed a roll of duct tape from the front seat.

  He reached back and wrapped my wrists together behind my back using the tape. There was no escaping that bind. He threw a jacket around my shoulders to disguise the fact that I was restrained, and slipped his heavy arm around my shoulders.

  “Keep your trap shut, you little bitch,” he whispered in my ear as he escorted us to our motel room. “One crazy idea and I blow your brains out.”

  He patted his front jeans pocket to indicate that he was serious. I couldn’t tell if there really was a gun in there or not, but I knew better than to test him.

  We approached our room, and I was sure to make a mental note that it was room 23B on the second floor. I didn’t know if it would even come in handy for me later, but I had to take in as much as I possibly could just in case.

  Shark unlocked the door and flung it open, shoving me inside. I nearly tripped over my own feet, not having my hands to keep my balance, and landed face down on one of the queen beds. The room smelled musty, like an old 70s camper, and the carpet was a putrid shade of shaggy green.

  “Oh, look, she wants to start the party early,” Rip laughed as he followed us in and shut the door behind him. I heard the click of the deadbolt and the clink of the chain lock, and my heart sunk.

  “Look at that ripe ass,” Shark said as he slapped it hard and then gripped it with his meaty hand.

  “Please untie my hands,” I said.

  “And why would we do a thing like that?” Rip laughed.

  “I have to pee,” I said. It was the truth. I hadn’t asked to use the bathroom the entire day.

  It was quiet for a second, and then I felt someone pull the jacket off my shoulders and rip the duct tape from around my wrists.

  “We’ll be watchin’ you,” Rip said. “Leave the door open.”

  Grateful to be unrestrained and able to walk freely for two point five seconds, I stood up and walked to the bathroom, taking my sweet time. I left the door open a crack and unzipped my jeans. I sat down on the toilet and nothing happened.

  “I thought you had to piss,” Shark yelled. “I don’t hear nothin’.”

  “I do,” I yelled back. “Not used to pissing with an audience.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to block them out. Soon enough a steady stream escaped me, and I couldn’t help but feel relieved in more than once sense of the word. I shuddered to think what they would’ve done to me had they thought I was lying.

  “Feel better?” Rip asked as I emerged.

  I nodded.

  “Sit down,” Shark commanded as he pointed to a chair in the far corner of the room that just so happened to be away from the door.

  I glanced at the clock on the nightstand which read six in the evening. Apparently I had slept the day away in the back of the truck. It made me wonder if they somehow drugged me because I didn’t know how else all that time would go missing. My stomach rumbled, but I tried to ignore it.

  “I’m going to go get us a case,” Rip said as he stood up and jingled his keys. “Be right back.”

  Shark and I spent the next ten minutes in sheer silence, his menacing stares trying to intimidate me. I tried to ignore him, but I couldn’t help feeling his eyes scanning all over my body. I wanted to physically unpeel his eyes from me, but all I could do was not show him that it bothered me.


  Rip returned with a case of beer and a plastic bag full of snacks. He poured his haul out all over the table, and from across the room I spied cookies, potato chips, granola bars, trail mix, and powdered donuts. It was pure junk, but in that moment it was nothing but food to me. I wanted it. I hadn’t eaten in almost twenty-four hours.

  Shark reached down and ripped open the package of donuts, shoving them back one by one with powdered sugar falling all over his shirt and sticking to his mustache. He looked so disgusting when he ate that it almost made me lose my appetite.

  “You want some of this?” Rip laughed as he noticed me eyeing the spread on the table.

  I nodded. It was almost instinctual.

  “You’ve got to earn your keep then,” he said.

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked, trying to swallow the vomit that wanted to come up my throat.

  A sinister grin covered both of their faces simultaneously, and Shark repositioned himself in his chair as if to get comfortable. Rip chugged his beer and belched as he looked me up and down.

  “Stand up,” Rip said, belching again. “Turn around. Let me get a good, long, hard look at ya.”

  I stood up from my chair and spun around as slowly as possible.

  “Nice,” Rip said.

  “Take off that top and show us those titties,” Shark said as he rubbed the growing bulge in his pants.

  I closed my eyes and tried to fight back tears. I had done this type of thing before for other guys in the Black Ice gang. I knew I could do it again. Being objectified was nothing new to me.

  I pulled my tank top over my head. I was still in my pajamas from the night before, so I was braless. My nipples perked up and pointed straight out, and instinctually I covered my breasts with my arms.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Shark said. “Put your arms down, bitch. We want to get a good look at those things.”

  “So that’s what Raze Northcutt’s been plowing,” Rip said as he cracked a fresh beer. “Does he titty fuck ya?”

  “No,” I said.

  One thing was for sure though. Rip had just confirmed what I had suspected – this was between them and Raze. It wasn’t about me. It wasn’t about the fight the other night at the bar. It was about the Black Ice versus the Marquis Devils. I was nothing more than a pawn in their sick, twisted game.

  I wanted to yell at them. To tell them they wouldn’t get away with this. I wanted to tell them that Raze would be after them soon enough and would make them pay, but the truth was, I didn’t know if any of that would do me a damn bit of good. Who knew where Raze was or how on earth he’d even find me. I had to be a good sport, at least for now, because I had no idea what these men were capable of just yet or what this was really about.

  “Take those pants off and show us what you’re workin’ with,” Rip sneered as his eyes traveled to my lower region.

  I slipped my finger into the waistband of my of yellow pajama pants and tugged them down. I was completely naked and on display for those heathens.

Rip brushed his fingers across his scratchy beard, making a scraping noise as he licked his chops. He tossed back the rest of his second beer and cracked a third. I hadn’t been keeping track of how much Shark was drinking, but judging by the amount of beer cans sitting around the table, they were on the same track.

  Shark’s eyelids were a little droopy. I could tell he was nearly two sheets to the wind, but they both seemed to have plenty of life left in them. I was hoping they’d pass out before it got any further, but my hopes were dashed as soon as Rip started unbuckling his pants.

  “Get over here, bitch,” he said. “Suck my dick.”

  I walked over as their eyes were glued to my naked body and got down on my knees. His cock was a little on the smaller side, much to my relief, and I wanted to puke at the thought of putting him in my mouth. I had to do what I had to do though.

  I gripped the shaft and put my warm mouth over the tip of his cock. It was already as hard as it was going to get, I’d determined, which was a good thing.

  “Ah, yeah, suck that dick,” Rip moaned as my head bobbed up and down.

  I hoped the faster I’d go, the sooner he’d cum, so I tried to give him a Grade A, top-notch blow job. I sucked, licked, and stroked his cock as if it were made of pure gold.

  “Save some of that shit for me,” Shark slurred his words. “Don’t use up all your good stuff on that rat bastard.”

  “Aw, shut the fuck up,” Rip snorted. “I’m taking my sweet as time with this. This is some good shit here.”

  For a moment, I thought all of my efforts were in vain until I felt his cock start to throb and pulse. I knew it would be any second now. Within seconds, just as I’d predicted, he had exploded in my mouth. I could feel Rip’s hot, sticky seed running down the back of my throat as it squirted uncontrollably, and I tried to swallow it all at once.

  I sat back and wiped my mouth, looking up at Rip. An eerie smile spread across his face as he leaned back and shoved his now flaccid cock back in his pants, zipping them up.

  “My turn,” Shark said as he unzipped his pants and whipped out his cock. He was much bigger than Rip, but not nearly any record breaking size.

  I took a deep breath and walked over to Shark, bracing myself on his knees as I lowered myself to mine. I reminded myself that it would all be over soon enough, and I took comfort in knowing that if Raze ever got to me, these guys would have it coming to them. I had no idea what Raze would do to them, but I knew he was capable of a lot of things I didn’t like thinking about.

  I grabbed the shaft of Shark’s dick and inserted the round, mushroom-shaped head into my mouth. I heard him gasp and felt him lean back a little in his seat to get comfortable. I lowered my head up and down slowly at first, then working my way to a faster pace. I spit on him a few times to get some good wetness going as my mouth had tried up from sucking Rip’s cock a few minutes earlier.

  “Ah, we’ve got a dirty girl here,” Shark smirked.

  “A regular porn star,” Rip replied. “I like that.”

  “This bitch knows what she’s doing. I’ll give her that,” Shark said.

  “Yes. Yes, she does,” Rip replied with a sick satisfaction in his tone. “Might have to get me some seconds.”

  I tried to tune them out. I knew the little game they were playing. They were trying to break me down and make me weak. They wanted me to feel less than human. They wanted me to know they were in control.

  I closed my eyes and continued sucking Shark’s throbbing dick. I used the same tricks I used on Rip, and I knew it would only be a matter of minutes before he’d be cumming all over my mouth.

  “Oh, god,” Shark cried out as he gripped the handles of his chair.

  I felt his cock pulsing and soon he was spraying his load down the back of my throat. He came way more than Rip did, and he tasted much saltier than Rip. I almost gagged when I got a taste of the thick liquid, but I forced myself to swallow it all. Knowing those assholes, they’d probably make me lick it up if I missed a single drop.

  After I took my final swallow, I leaned back on my knees and pushed myself to a standing position. I was relieved to have it over and done with, and my eyes inadvertently moved to the smorgasbord of junk food spread over the table.

  “Ah, you hungry now, girl?” Rip asked, as if I were some kind of animal. “That cum didn’t fill ya up enough? We’ve got plenty more where that came from.”

  Shark zipped up his pants, grabbed a bag of potato chips and hurled them at me. I caught them and took them back across the room to my chair, ripping the bag open like I hadn’t eaten in days. Not being able to eat, even just for twenty-four hours, had made me want food even more. I tried to munch on the chips as quietly as possible. I didn’t want them to get annoyed and take them away from me.

  I didn’t even think about the fact that I was still naked. In that moment, though, it didn’t matter. I just needed some sort of sustenance. I’d worry about my clothes later.

  When my hand reached into the bag a few minutes later and found nothing but some measly crumbs in the bottom, I realized I’d devoured the entire thing. I was still famished, however, and all that salt had left my mouth dryer than the Sahara.

  “Can I have a beer?” I asked. I couldn’t believe I was so brazen with them. I shuddered to think of what they’d make me do for a beer.

  Rip looked at Shark who counted what was left in the case.

  “There’s one beer left,” Shark said. “Whatcha gonna do for it?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Never mind,” I replied. I stood up and walked over to the bathroom sink, bending down and cupping my hand under the cold, flowing water that soon sputtered from the faucet. Bathroom water had never tasted so good in my entire life. I drank and drank and drank, and then I drank a little more.

  “Got enough there, camel?” Rip laughed his signature mean laugh. I ignored him.


  I returned to my chair after drinking an insane amount of water from the bathroom tap and looked around on the ground for my pajamas which were suddenly nowhere to be found.

  “Looking for these?” Shark asked as he held them up in his right hand.

  “Yeah, I’m cold,” I said. “I want to put them back on.”

  “I know a way you can get warm,” Shark said. “You won’t be needing these.”

  He tossed my pajamas across the room and Rip caught them, placing them by the door in a heap on the dirty shag carpet.

  I glared at Shark. I knew exactly what he was hinting at.

  “Lay down on that bed¸” he said as he pointed to the far queen bed. “Spread yourself out. Show me how bad you want my cock inside that tight little pussy of yours.”

  I reluctantly climbed up onto the bed, laid in the middle, and positioned myself as straight as an arrow. I wasn’t going to spread anything for him. Not yet. Not until I had to.

  Shark reached into his back pocket and something jingled. I watched him with intensity was he pulled out a pair of handcuffs. He knelt down on the bed next to me and slipped one around my wrist, cuffing it tight. He fastened the other end of it to the metal headboard and tossed Rip the keys.

  “Don’t lose these,” he said to Rip.

  I glanced over at Rip, who was halfway passed out already. He had drool running down his half open mouth and his fly was still partially unzipped. His eyes were droopy. It was only a matter of time before he was out cold.

  I glanced up at Shark, who had the most menacing look on his face I’d ever seen in my entire life, and I thought about how I was trapped. I was handcuffed. The keys were on the other side of the room. Rip’s chair was blocking the door, and Rip had my clothes. I swallowed my pride and accepted the fact that I was going to have to do whatever Shark wanted.

  Shark fumbled around with his pants again, trying to get them off. He toppled over on the bed, and I realized just then just how drunk he was. He reached over and fondled one of my breasts with his free hand as he rubbed the bulge that was struggling to g
row in his pants. He seemed to get frustrated, though he wasn’t quite giving up yet.

  I secretly laughed on the inside and wanted to ask him if he had a bit of “whiskey dick”, but I knew better. I knew I had to keep my mouth shut and pretend not to notice. I could only imagine what he’d do to me if I pointed it out and bruised the fragile ego he tried to hide behind his macho man, biker façade.